This line integrates themes related to economic theory in all aspects of universal, local and regional economics. Economic development issues, conceived in its broadest sense, not only from economic growth, but also taking human development as an essential element. Theoretical, as well as macro, and microeconomic issues are prioritized, as well as issues related to employment, poverty, investment, infrastructure, productivity, finance. This research studies different economic models and sustainable development, particularly with regard to the objectives of the 2030 Agenda, and issues related to the region and the territory; as well as, the insertion of economies in Globalization and the Society of Knowledge. It also expands to performance of main economic and social indicators.

Research Group: Economic analysis

Research Team:
  • Fidel Márquez Sánchez, Ph.D.
  • Rafael Sorhegui Ortega, Ph.D.
  • Nadia Villena Izurieta, MSc.
  • Mónica Larrea Paredes, MSc.
  • Guido Macas Acosta, MSc.
  • Gino Cornejo Marcos, MSc.
Leader: Guillermo Granja Cañizares, Mgtr.
Considering that entrepreneurship is defined as the action of determining to run a business or company. The entrepreneurship line is described as research in the business field that aims to contribute data and information that allow knowing, monitoring and promoting business development in different areas in order to understand the object of study, the entrepreneur, from their motivations and the different variables that intervene in the dynamics of companies, generating economic development, productivity and competitiveness. This line produces industry studies, statistics and diagnoses; local productive and business development studies; and describes local entrepreneurship trends. It also conducts studies that aim to measure entrepreneurial activity, the analysis of the driving agents of entrepreneurship, the factors that promote or discourage entrepreneurship and the analysis of the fields of entrepreneurial activity.

Research Group: Inclusive business and Entrepreneurship

Research Team:
  • Adrián Moreno Silva, Mgtr.
  • Xavier Espinoza Herrera, Mgtr.
  • María Elena Suarez Alfonso, Mgtr.
  • Pablo San Andrés Reyes, Mgtr.
Leader: Mónica Armijos Santos, Mgtr.

Research Group: Human Resource

Research Team:
  • Carla Fernández Solis Mgtr.
  • Alina Sánchez Chávez, Mgtr.
  • José Noboa Salazar, Mgtr.
  • Yadira Armas Ortega, Mgtr.
Leader: Mónica Llanos Encalada, Ph.D.
The scientific field to which the line of research belongs, from its own epistemological conception, is framed under the parameter of sustainability, in order to generate a participatory synergy between all the actors who are immersed in the tourist activity; for which the research focuses on the planning, development and management of competitive tourist destinations, both from the hospitality vision and from the tourist heritage and operation, in correspondence with the Society of Knowledge.

Research Group: Tourism and Territory

Research Team:
  • Fernando Cevallos Rúales, Mgtr.
  • Javier Vallejo López, Mgtr.
  • María Alejandra Ycaza Calderón, Mgtr.
  • Sofía Pacherres Nolivos, Mgtr.
  • Verónica Baquerizo Álava, Mgtr.
Leader: César Santana Moncayo, Mgtr.
This line is related to issues that delve deeper into the social state of rights and justice of Ecuador, concepts and social practices that guarantee, not only economic growth, but also human development in order to achieve good standard of living. Topics related to the principles and norms that regulate human rights are studied, in their indivisible, interdependent and universal dimension; inquiry and transformative projects aimed at combating discrimination in any of its forms, especially against women, handicapped, youth and children, indigenous people and other vulnerable human groups; as well as, respect for diversity, diverse cultures and ecology, projects on democratic participation are promoted.

Research Group: Justice and Human Rights

Research Team:
  • Andrea Zuleta Sánchez, Mgtr.
  • Estrella Hoyos Zavala, Mgtr.
  • Gloria Lecaro Nath, Mgtr.
  • Mario Cuvi Santacruz, Mgtr.
  • Lissety Espinoza García, Mgtr.
Leader: Ambar Murillo Mena, Mgtr.
Information and Communication Technologies have drastically transformed various aspects of life, including the economic, social, communications and the education sector itself; being the favorable opportunity for Institutions of Higher Education to take on changes and challenges to provide solutions to the society’s major issues, through scientific technological production, which will be developed in two areas of action and from which it will be articulated the different graduate and postgraduate programs related to Technologies. The first area focuses on the development and integration of hardware with software (databases, networks and telecommunications) and the formulation of theoretical-practical solutions, which are capable of being easily coupled in companies, both in information technology and technology. On the other hand, there is the design, development and application of computer systems in solving business problems, including tools, techniques and methods for analyzing and interpreting data, such as Business Intelligence; all aimed at finding solutions from a scientific standpoint in the software development area, with the approach of measurable objectives, tools, platforms and methodological procedures that solve needs.

Research Group: Technology Infrastructure

Research Team:
  • Johanna Navarro Espinosa, Mgtr.
  • Manuel Ramírez Pírez, Mgtr.
  • Diana López Álvarez, Mgtr.
  • Fernando Montalvo Quiszhpe, Mgtr.
Leader:  Wilson Polo González, Mgtr.

Research Group: Business Intelligence

Research Team:
  • César Bustamante Chong, Mgtr.
  • Marcos Espinoza Mina, Mgtr.
  • Marcos Jara Riofrio, Mgtr.
  • Luis Espinoza Mendoza, Mgtr.
Leader: Alejandra Colina Vargas, Ph.D.

Research Group: Education Technology

Research Team:
  • Carlos Ortega Santos, Ph.D.
  • Gilda Alcívar García, Ph.D.
  • Erika Ascencio Jordán, Mgtr.
  • Glenda Blanc Pihuave, Mgtr.
  • Roger Moncayo Caamaño, Mgtr.
  • Paula Villagómez de Oliveira, Mgtr.
Leader: Giraldo León Rodríguez, Ph.D.

The economic development of a sector is achieved given the contribution that each company generates in different fields. The implementation of general strategies becomes the main axis that influences and on which objectives are set for the rest of the company’s departments, thus forming a value chain that customers perceive when they acquire the products. Marketing provides basic strategies for the development of markets, therefore, it becomes a fundamental tool for generating value for the client, contributing positively to the commercial and profitable development of companies. The use of technology applied to marketing promotes the optimization of action times, achieving timely information on the market; as well as, provides the necessary tools for the communication and administration of company-client information, vital for the fulfillment of organizational goals.

Research Group: New Marketing trends

Research Team:
  • Stefani Flores González, Mgtr.
  • Irene Palacios Bauz, Mgtr.
  • Oscar Silva Malats, Mgtr.
  • Lola Kuri Astudillo, Mgtr.
  • Ana Alcívar Alcívar, Mgtr.
  • Denisse García Alemán, Mgtr.
Leader: Lorraine Chedraui Aguirre, Mgtr.

The strategic importance of information is fundamental today, as are the mass media and cultural industries. Throughout history, social communication media have played a determining role in the development and evolution of different societies and cultures. Hence the importance of studying the processes and means of communication (channels of diffusion and means of expression) from a holistic perspective: sociological, psychological, economic, educational, journalistic, advertising, philosophical, artistic, ethical, etc. A study that will optimize these social communication mechanisms, not only from the perspective of the media themselves, but also from the communication needs of any organization. The concept of the Networked Society offers a different point of view on its interdisciplinary scope, in this case emphasizing the role of the Web as a means of social and personal interaction with its own geography and culture.

Research Group: Intercultural and Participative Communication

Research Team:
  • Kerlly Yance Jacome, Mgtr.
  • Odalys Marrero Sánchez, Mgtr.
  • Andrea Salas Menéndez, Mgtr.
  • Ana María Salazar Merchán, Mgtr.
  • Cristian Gutiérrez Chiquito, Mgtr.
Leader: Silvia Aguirre Jiménez, Mgtr.

This line addresses a problem of vital importance in today’s world, directly related to the possibility of future life, therefore, issues related to the search for possible solutions for soil, water, and air pollution are prioritized; as well as, the mitigation of the consequences of Global warming; problems related to climatological and environmental phenomena; that demand efficient management of environmental problems, which affect sustainable human development.

Research Group: Environment management and protection

Research Team:
  • César Alcácer Santos, Ph.D.
  • Carlos Flores Murillo, Mgtr.
  • Roberto Aguilera Peña, Mgtr.
  • Iris Pérez Almeida, Ph.D.
Leader:  Magaly Peñafiel Pazmiño, Mgtr.

This line of research focuses on issues related to the management of university substantive processes that today constitute an urgent need for higher education institutions. It contributes to the efficient implementation of an institutional management process for the planning, execution, control and evaluation of its substantive processes (academic, investigative and community outreach), through institutional management and teaching-educational activities, to support education quality, university environment – and to generate administrative and pertinent professional training and therefore perfect the institutional strategic management process.

Research Group: Education Management

Research Team:
  • Elba Calderón Farfán, Mgtr.
  • Patricia Muñoz Verdezoto, Mgtr.
  • Carlos Alcívar Trejo, Mgtr.
  • Cesar Castañeda Paredes, Mgtr.
  • Nadia González Rodríguez, Mgtr.
  • Odalys Marrero Sánchez, Mgtr.
Leader: Duniesky Alfonso, PhD.

This line of research leads to establishing research projects aimed at the prevention, promotion and psychological approach in different contexts or areas, where the psychologist works seeking to provide tools that help find answers that guide conflict resolution, mediations, to the institutional and personal and social balance. This approach will provide the basis for research models for the professional and academic strengthening of both professors and students, aimed at achieving the objectives set in the career of psychology.

Research Group: Psychology and Wellbeing

Research Team:
  • Ana Morán Ramos, Mgtr.
  • Holger Rivadeneira Lazo, Mgtr.
  • Celia Cabrera Ávila, Mgtr.
  • Cristhian Yong Peña, Mgtr.
Leader:  Eduardo Villacís Alarcón, Mgtr.