Entrepreneurship and Innovation Seminar

The Graduate Academic Tour combines classes at the campus Adolfo Ibáñez University with visits and lectures at institutions that have excelled in the area of business.

  • To present an overview of the Chilean business ecosystem, how to do business with Chile and learn about strategies that Chilean companies apply to internationalize.
  • To present experiences and successful cases of Chilean companies of different sizes that have started their internationalization process to global markets.
  • Territorial experiences of international entrepreneurship and innovation.
  • Women entrepreneurs, a gender perspective on the international export process.
  • Desk 24/7. The experience of entrepreneurship.
  • Marketing strategies and international positioning.
  • The challenge of exporting. A look at diversity, innovation and entrepreneurship.

The Graduate Academic Tour combines classes at the campus Adolfo Ibáñez University with visits and lectures at institutions that have excelled in the area of business.

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