
The policies that govern ECOTEC are defined as the set of general guidelines that regulate the management processes of the institution.

  • The social character of learning from scientific and global contents in changing performance-training contexts.

  • Training for research as a tool to solve professional problems.

  • A humanistic, scientific and creative education process that contributes to the identification of social needs through links with environments and contexts.

  • Faculty members with sound command of science, didactics, methodology, investigative competences and management of ICTs based on comprehensive education.

  • Train professionals who, from the integration of theory and practice, address with creative thinking, learning and research skills the problems that arise in professional and social contexts.

  • Conceive in a systemic way the interaction of the organizational structures responsible for this activity. Build up different academic programs, fields of study, groups and institutional research to respond to the needs of Science and Society.

  • Strengthen the development of scientific research, through the management of scientific-technological knowledge and innovation, from an ethical and humanistic perspective, as the core of teaching processes and link with the community, to educate competent professionals, to influence comprehensively, in national, regional and international contexts.
  • Contribute to educate competent professionals to respond to social, scientific and technological needs of society. Conceive society as a dynamic learning environment in the education of future professionals.

  • Propose solutions to society’s problems and needs through knowledge generation. Contribute to social and human growth enabling a better quality of life for the population.
  • Educate future professionals, with environmental thinking and responsibility, who contribute to sustainable development of society. Manage environmental aspects associated with university activities and processes, increasing the efficient use of natural and energy resources.

  • Promote an environmental culture through prevention, mitigation and reduction of environmental impact.

  • Comprehensive humanistic and innovative education.

  • Appropriation, generation and transfer of knowledge.

  • Social, business and environmental responsibility.

  • Continuous improvement of substantive and support processes.

  • Internationalization.

ECOTEC values support its vision, and shape the mission and cultural organization of the institution. They are reflected in its performance and achievement of established standards. These values represent the identity of the institution and as such underlie all decisions made and executed. ECOTEC behaves, operates and develops under the following values:

  1. Constructive criticism
  2. Ecology
  3. Honesty
  4. Equality
  5. Loyalty
  6. Leadership
  7. Respect
  8. Social, business and environmental responsibility
  9. Service
  10. Solidarity