ECOTEC is a 100% Tobacco Smoke-Free space.
As ECOTEC University we have been committed for 15 years with sustainability, and mainly with the health and quality of life of all members of our community. For this reason and to reinforce care, at the end of 2021 we applied to the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador, the certification as a 100% smoke-free space, by meeting all the necessary parameters and requirements.
In February 2022 we received from Dr. Ruth Quintero, District Director of Health of the Durán and Samborondón cantons, the certificate that endorses us as a 100% smoke-free space during the inauguration of the renovated academic spaces of the Academic Vice Rectorate and the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences in our Samborondón campus.
This certification allows us to strengthen with our actions to care for the ecosystem, our pillar of Ecological Awareness in which all our students, faculty and members of #TeamECOTEC demonstrate daily their commitment to comply with the requirements established by the Organic Law for the Regulation and Control of Tobacco, R.O. N°497, of July 22, 2011 and its implementing regulations, D.E N° 1047, of February 10, 2012.
This commitment implies that in our campuses of Samborondón, Juan Tanca Marengo and La Costa, tobacco products such as cigarettes, cigars, tobaccos, snuff, hookahs or water pipes, tobacco leaf extracts and other similar products prepared totally or in part using tobacco leaves as raw material and intended to be smoked, inhaled, sucked, chewed or used as snuff may not be consumed or used. This also includes electronic nicotine delivery systems.
Let’s work together for a healthier, sustainable and harmonious environment for all. Remember that at ECOTEC… We want you healthy.