Sales, Communications and Marketing
Developing skills to solve conflicts in new marketing environments and generate service-oriented communication with a strategic approach, ensures professional success in the field.
- Sales techniques for successful negotiations
- Collections and Payments management
- Point of Sale Marketing Strategies
- Customer services: retain customers and increase customer loyalty
- Complaints management
- Neuromarketing: What’s On Your Customer’s Mind?
- Inbound marketing y branded content
- Social Ads
- Community Management
- Web Positioning
- Personal Branding
- Effective communication for professional development
- Public Speaking
Cursos de
Ventas, Comunicación y Mercadeo
Para asegurar éxito profesional en esta rama se deben desarrollar habilidades que le otorguen al participante la capacidad de resolver conflictos en nuevos entornos de marketing y a su vez sea capaz de generar comunicación con visión estratégica y alto nivel de servicio.
- Técnicas efectivas de ventas para una negociación exitosa
- Gestión de cobranza para una recuperación de cartera efectiva
- Estrategias de merchandising en el punto de venta
- Servicio al cliente: como retener y fidelizar a tus mejores clientes
- Quejas y reclamos, una gestión efectiva
- Neuromarketing: descifrando la mente del consumidor
- Inbound marketing y branded content
- Social Ads: comunicar desde lo digital
- Community Management
- Posicionamiento web
- Personal branding, como potenciar su marca personal
- Comunicación efectiva para el desarrollo profesional
- Manejo de público y oratoria
Cursos disponibles
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We offer training in various functional areas:
Business Management and Finance courses
Efficiency and effectiveness is measured and enhanced through the application of qualitative and quantitative tools, to achieve resources optimization with a sustainable and social responsible approach.
Human Resources
Develop competencies to address effectively, with a systemic vision, resource management processes, in alignment with organizational strategy and employees well-being.
Occupational health and safety
It is imperative to know and comply with all the requirements of the field, to effectively lead occupational health and safety, avoiding risks and fostering a safe and healthy occupational environment.
Processes and Operations
Professionals in processes, operations, and logistics, deliver goods and services with the highest quality and efficiency, besides contributing with knowledge to implement appropriate strategies and manage processes.
Sales, Communications and Marketing
Developing skills to solve conflicts in new marketing environments and generate service-oriented communication with a strategic approach, ensures professional success in the field.
Public Relations
Management of Institutional communication programs require special attention to corporate image and skills to carry out public relations campaigns.
Information Technology
IT responds to different issues, applying modern technological tools and integrating information system experiences.