24th to 26th October 2024

Universidad Andrés Bello
Viña del Mar, Chile
topics related to economy, society and development
- Applied Informatics For Less-Developed Countries
- e-Participation
- e-Democracy
- ICTs and Society
- Information Society
- Territorial Intelligence Systems
- Data Analysis
- Computational Economics
The workshop on Applied Informatics for Economy, Society and Development organized by the Universidad Ecotec (Ecuador) seeks to promote discussionand dissemination of current economics research, systems for territorial intelligence, e-participation, e-democracy and territorial economic development; with special emphasis on social and environmental development.
The objective of this fourth edition of AIESD 2024 is to discuss aspects related to computer science applied in society. The idea is to learn the different techniques and tools that are used to study social phenomena, economic growth, the interaction between economic analysis and decision-making.
The workshop seeks to promote an atmosphere of dialogue among the community of professionals working on issues related to technology and its application in the economy as well as society.
The submission Web page for AIESD 2024
Discuss the advances of computer science and its impact on economic and social development research.
Discuss the use of computer science and its impact on monitoring local economic and social development
topics related to economy, society and development
- Paper Submission: August 11, 2024
- Paper Notification: August 25, 2024
- Camera Ready: September 15, 2024
- Authors Registration: September 15, 2024
Authors must submit an original full paper (10 to 15 pages) that has not previously been published. Papers submitted to this workshop need to follow CEUR styles either for LaTeX or for MSWord ( http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip ). All papers have to be written in English. The inclusion of ORCID is highly encouraged for all authors.
All submissions will be reviewed by 3 experts. Authors must remove personal details, acknowledgments section, and any other information related to the authors’ identity. In addition, all submissions will be screened by iThenticate.
Workshop Registration 250 USD Student Registration 250 USD One Additional Paper 150 USD Attendee 100 USD
The submission Web page for AIESD 2024
To submit or upload a paper please go to
The first anonymous version must be submitted in PDF
Proceedings will be submitted to CEUR-WS.org for online publication. Authors of accepted papers have to sign the Author Agreement to Publish a Contribution as Open-Access on CEUR-WS.org. CEUR-WS.org requires authors to physically sign with pencil on paper.
CEUR-WS is abstracted/indexed in DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, SCImago, Scopus

- Marcelo León, PhD. Universidad Ecotec, Ecuador
- Carlos Jijena, PhD. Universidad Privada Boliviana, La Paz, Bolivia.
- Erika González, PhD. Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ecuador
- Raquel Jalil, PhD. Universidad Autónoma Juan Misael Saracho, Bolivia
- Simona Safarikova, PhD. Palacky University, República Checa
- Fernando Gutiérrez, PhD. Universidad de La Haya, Países Bajos
- Simone Belli, PhD. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España
- Rubén Rumipamba, PhD. CNT EP, Ecuador
- Homero Rodríguez, PhD. Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey, México
- Anderson Argothy, PhD. Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Ecuador.
- Silvia San Román, PhD. Universidad de Granada, España.
- Alejandra Colina, PhD. Universidad Ecotec, Ecuador.
- Elena Piedra, PhD. Universidad Ecotec, Ecuador.
- Alejandro Pacheco, PhD. Universidad Anáhuac, Ciudad de México.
Lizethe Méndez Heras, PhD. Universidad Ecotec, Ecuador.
- María Barroso González, PhD. Universidad de Huelva, España.
- René Garzozi-Pincay, PhD. Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador.